Nonsurgical methods to improve the look of your eyes
Dark circles, crow's feet and under-eye wrinkles can do more damage than just giving away your age - the can actually make you look older!
Dark circles, crow's feet and under-eye wrinkles can do more damage than just giving away your age - the can actually make you look older!
In the quest to get a more contoured look, many women choose to wear shapewear under their clothing.
Like most medical specialties, plastic surgery is rapidly evolving.
Although plastic surgery is growing in popularity and gaining more widespread acceptance, potential patients should remember that a nip and tuck - even if it seems minor - is still a medical procedure, and should be taken seriously.
Women and men will go through a lot to stay competitive in the workforce.
Some plastic surgery patients are concerned about how their voices will sound after rhinoplasty.
What's a good Valentine's Day gift? Flowers? Chocolate? What about Botox?
Most plastic surgeons would agree that such a casual take on procedures like breast augmentation or liposuction is unhealthy for any would-be patient.
Botox for crow's feet is attracting new patients.
Can you be to young for the injections to be effective?
During early consultations, plastic surgeons often advise their potential patients to abstain from tobacco use in the weeks before and after their procedure.
While it's true that the comparative price of a procedure like breast augmentation or rhinoplasty is cheaper abroad than at home, you may end up paying much more in the long run.
Man or woman, everyone cares about their appearance.
Could plastic surgery be considered a creative outlet?
Finding a skilled plastic surgeon whom you are comfortable with and understands your needs can take a long time.
Are the kids of plastic surgeons and different than the sons and daughters of other professionals?
It's normal for someone to be dissatisfied with the shape or appearance of their nose, but at the same time be unsure of whether or not they want surgery.
The terms "plastic surgeon" and "cosmetic surgeon" are often used interchangeably.
It's common for people who are interested in dermal fillers or Botox to wonder why they should use the services of a plastic surgeon.
According to some estimates, up to 1 million Americans have or will travel abroad for medical treatment this year.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), Botox treatment was by and large the most popular minimally-invasive procedure performed in 2012, with doctors giving over 6 million injections last year.
Although breast augmentation is one of the most popular procedures performed, common misconceptions still abound.
While it's not uncommon to wait until the holiday season to offer to pay for someone's surgery, you should tread lightly if you intend to offer this type of present.
Wrinkles are a tell-tale sign of aging, but we often forget that they can appear other places on our body than our face.
Before you get wrapped up in your enthusiasm of looking and feeling better, make sure you ask your plastic surgeon plenty of questions.
You may feel young and healthy on the inside, but those pesky fine lines and crows feet around your eyes can give your age away.
While few can deny that motherhood is rewarding experience, pregnancy and childbirth can take a toll on your body.
While a nip and tuck can shave years off of your appearance and improve your look, every procedure is not necessarily appropriate for every patient.
While cosmetic surgery gender gap seems to be closing, the way men and women research and decide on which procedures to pursue are worlds away.
According the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more 76,000 cosmetic procedures were performed on individuals under the age of 18. The most common operations include ear pinning surgery, mole and birth mark removal and scar revision.