liposuction vs laser lipo and bodytite lipo mt juliet lebanon tn


Liposuction, also referred to as “lipo” is an effective option for most people wanting to remove fat with surgery. As the most common plastic surgery in the U.S., liposuction helps contour the body in specific areas that are hard to treat with diet and exercise.

Often times, patients who consider liposuction also show an interest in nonsurgical fat removal options like BodyTite. BodyTite is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that removes fat and tightens skin with 4 times the results of tightening than laser lipo.



  • Eliminate stubborn fat that has not responded to diet and exercise

  • Create a more proportionate figure

  • Reduce fat in many areas of the body: face, neck, abdomen, thighs, arms, hips and buttocks

In general, the term liposuction means using a surgical suction about the size of a pencil to remove fat. At The Lett Center, Dr. Lett will often combine procedures with liposuction. Typically he’ll add vaser liposuction which is ultrasound-assisted liposuction or BodyTite. Considering a procedure to help remove unwanted fat or loose skin? Book a consultation today to learn which body contouring treatment is best to achieve your goals.

Liposuction VS. BodyTite

BodyTite and liposuction are both great solutions to achieve the body contours you hope to have. It can be hard to decide which treatment to go for. We recommend scheduling an in-person consultation with our board-certified surgeons to make a final decision. Until then, here are some things to consider before making your choice!

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Liposuction* can be applied to nearly any area of the body and is commonly used on multiple areas during an operation. This procedure can result in a slimmer and better proportioned figure. Liposuction could reduce love handles, saddlebags, a double-chin, a bulge around the waistline, or other unsightly fatty deposits in order to develop a better shape.

Liposuction is not a replacement for proper exercise and diet. Instead, liposuction is a reduction procedure for stubborn areas where fat accumulates. Ideal surgical candidates are those already in good physical condition but having stubborn areas that do not respond to diet and exercise.


Liposuction can be done under general anesthesia with the patient asleep or under local anesthesia where the area is numbed and the patient remains awake. Through a tiny incision, a narrow tube or “cannula” is inserted and used to vacuum out the fatty tissue beneath the skin. The surgeon determines the amount of fat to be removed by massaging the skin and squeezing the tissue. After reducing the excess fat, the incisions are closed by applying a compression dressing or bandage to the area in order to prevent bleeding, reduce swelling, and support the affected area.

There are several different types of liposuction procedures, such as tumescent or ultrasound liposuction, that have developed as a result of recent advancements in new technologies. Together the patient and the surgeon can discuss which method(s) are best during the initial consultation visit. Liposuction can last from thirty minutes to several hours depending upon the amount of fat to be removed. Liposuction surgery is an excellent procedure that can benefit those who want to remove unattractive fatty deposits.


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*Individual Results May Vary
The photos on this website are not intended to represent the results that every patient can expect. Surgical results are not guaranteed and can vary greatly from patient-to-patient.
Disclaimer: The information on this site is intended for general purposes only and is not intended to nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Dr. Lett & The Lett Center for Plastic Surgery, Mt. Juliet, TN.

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