Facebook Facelifts “only the beginning,” say plastic surgeons

When practically every outing or social event is bound to be documented online in some form, it's easy for physical hang-ups to prevent you from truly enjoying yourself on such occasions. 

By |2023-10-17T10:07:16-05:00July 29th, 2013|General|Comments Off on Facebook Facelifts “only the beginning,” say plastic surgeons

Sixties icon Twiggy says she’s open to plastic surgery

While many women in Tennessee may say that they plan to age gracefully without the help of Botox, dermal fillers and facelifts, that can all change once they begin to notice the sagging skin and wrinkles that inevitably develop over the years.

By |2021-07-09T20:27:29-05:00July 29th, 2013|General|Comments Off on Sixties icon Twiggy says she’s open to plastic surgery

NYT covers a surprising new plastic surgery trend

One Virginia man, Jeff Vickers, told The New York Times that he went to a plastic surgeon after years of getting teased by friends and coworkers about his non-existent backside.

By |2021-07-09T20:25:39-05:00July 29th, 2013|Body Procedures|Comments Off on NYT covers a surprising new plastic surgery trend

“Deflation” and how it affects your youthful appearance

Anyone who has ever lost a lot of weight or has noticed a bit of crepiness around their neck can testify that loose skin is the mortal enemy of a fresh, vibrant appearance. Skin naturally loses its elasticity over time as well, making this volume loss all the more noticeable.

By |2023-10-17T09:51:53-05:00July 23rd, 2013|Facial Procedures, Injections/Dermal Fillers|Comments Off on “Deflation” and how it affects your youthful appearance

Board-certified plastic surgeon explains the popularity of plastic surgery

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon, co-host of the talk show "The Doctors", sat down with "Fox & Friends" to discuss this increasing popularity of facelifts, nose jobs, liposuction and more.

By |2023-08-16T13:01:30-05:00July 22nd, 2013|General|Comments Off on Board-certified plastic surgeon explains the popularity of plastic surgery

Think plastic surgery is just for women? These famous faces beg to differ

Simon Cowell, former "American Idol" judge and world-famous curmudgeon, says that Botox injections are a regular part of his anti-aging routine.

By |2021-07-09T20:31:07-05:00July 20th, 2013|General|Comments Off on Think plastic surgery is just for women? These famous faces beg to differ

Can baby products help you combat signs of aging?

Each day seems to bring with it a new array of beauty products that claim to counter those frustrating frown lines. In fact, one contributor to Marie Claire has even turned to her children's soaps, shampoos and lotions in a bid to keep her hair and skin looking more youthful.

By |2023-10-17T09:07:36-05:00July 13th, 2013|General|Comments Off on Can baby products help you combat signs of aging?

Is rhinoplasty the right procedure for you?

While the decision to undergo any form of plastic surgery requires a considerable amount of research and forethought, if you are considering a facial procedure like rhinoplasty - a.k.a a nose job - it is important to be absolutely certain.

By |2020-07-29T18:20:15-05:00July 11th, 2013|Facial Procedures|Comments Off on Is rhinoplasty the right procedure for you?

Aunt-niece duo discuss perils of medical tourism

In a cautionary tale that women in Tennessee should bear in mind if they're considering plastic surgery abroad, Mimi Valdez and her niece Chrissy have come forward to share their horrific experience.

By |2020-06-11T16:38:57-05:00July 10th, 2013|Body Procedures, General|Comments Off on Aunt-niece duo discuss perils of medical tourism

Study shows high supplement consumption from plastic surgery patients

A recent study conducted by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) found that many patients who go under the knife for a cosmetic procedure could be putting themselves at risk by taking vitamin supplements beforehand.

By |2021-07-07T17:14:29-05:00July 1st, 2013|General|Comments Off on Study shows high supplement consumption from plastic surgery patients
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