The thigh gap may just be the “it” body trend of 2014, and everyone from Sofia Vergara to Beyonce seems to be hot in pursuit of just a little more space between her skinny jeans. But not everyone can naturally achieve the thigh gap through healthy diet and exercise alone.

“Very few women have a large gap between their thighs,” Dr. Vonda Wright tells Women’s Health Magazine. “Thigh gaps really only happen through genetics — but even if you have wide hips, your legs can still touch if you have a lot of muscle.”

If you follow a healthy diet and regularly participate in both cardio and strength-training exercises but are still unhappy with your thighs, you may want to consider certain procedures to address your concerns. Traditional liposuction can be a good option for reducing stubborn fat deposits that just won’t seem to disappear regardless of how healthy and fit you are, and no matter how hard you work at the gym.

Another possibility is Vaser Liposelection, a highly sophisticated procedure that uses ultrasonic waves to break up fat cells for removal, while typically leaving surrounding tissue uncompromised and unharmed. Vaser Liposelection is extremely precise and patients tend to see less trauma and faster recovery than they would if they had undergone traditional liposuction.

Are you wondering just how to get that thigh gap in time for swimsuit season? To learn more about the benefits of liposuction, contact the Lett Center today to schedule an initial appointment. During your consultation, we can further discuss your various surgical and non-surgical options, the pros and cons of particular procedures and how you can best achieve your cosmetic goals.