As the busy summer draws to a close and the kids are back to school, moms everywhere are gearing up for a new chapter– it is officially ‘back to school, and back to (a little) more you’ time.

While the kids are in school, most moms have a little extra time to focus on personal growth and self-improvement. And for moms considering a transformative journey to reclaim their pre-pregnancy bodies with a mommy makeover, the timing couldn’t be more perfect.

The back-to-school season opens up a window of opportunity for mothers to prioritize themselves and embark on a journey toward self-confidence and rejuvenation. In this article, we’ll explore why the back-to-school season is ideal for booking that long-awaited mommy makeover.

What is a Mommy Makeover?

Before discussing why back to school is the ideal time to schedule a mommy makeover, let’s first clarify what the procedure entails. A mommy makeover is a personalized surgical solution that can help you regain your pre-baby body or achieve the hourglass figure you’ve always wanted.

Each mommy makeover is unique, tailored to the individual’s needs and desires. However, many mothers seek a flatter stomach, firmer breasts, and tighter skin – issues that are often difficult to resolve through diet and exercise alone.

Your mommy makeover may include breast augmentation to add fullness and shape to the breasts, a breast lift to improve breast sag, a tummy tuck to firm and tone a flabby midsection, liposuction to eliminate stubborn pockets of fat or a combination of surgical procedures. 

The options for a mommy makeover are customizable and virtually limitless but typically involve one or more of the following body contouring procedures and cosmetic treatments:

Body Contouring

Laser Treatments

  • Laser Skin Resurfacing: Improve the texture and appearance of the skin, reducing the visibility of stretch marks through laser skin resurfacing treatments.
  • Spider Vein Treatments: Minimize the appearance of spider veins through various treatment options, improving the look of your legs. There are many laser options to choose from. Our personal favorite for addressing spider veins, hair removal, and unwanted pigment is the Clarity II laser treatment.

Facial Rejuvenation

Non-Surgical Cosmetic Treatments

  • CoolSculpting: Non-surgical, non-invasive fat reduction treatment that freezes away fat cells, helping to contour and refine targeted areas of the body.
  • Microneedling: Stimulate collagen production and rejuvenate the skin by using tiny needles to create controlled micro-injuries, promoting skin renewal.
  • Votiva Vaginal Rejuvenation: Enhance and restore the appearance and functionality of the vaginal area through non-surgical treatments, addressing concerns like laxity or dryness.

Some procedures, such as Botox, dermal filler, cool sculpting, and even Votiva Vaginal Rejuvenation, require little to no downtime. Others, such as breast surgery and a tummy tuck, come with a period of rest and recovery.

Additionally, it can take several months to see the full results of many of these treatments. For these reasons, most moms find that the summer or busy holiday months aren’t the best time to schedule surgery, so it’s no surprise that the mommy makeover is especially popular when the kids go back to school.

Why Back-To-School is the Ideal Time for a Mommy Makeover

The timing of your mommy makeover is one of the most important factors to consider if you want an easy recovery and long-lasting, beautiful results. While mommy makeovers are on the rise in general, there is a good reason why our surgery schedule tends to fill up with mommy makeovers in the fall.

If you’re a mom considering having plastic surgery, here are four reasons why having a mommy makeover procedure now that the school year has started is an excellent idea.

1: You Have More Time to Focus on Recovery

A mommy makeover typically involves a combination of surgeries and procedures to restore your pre-pregnancy body. Proper rest and support are essential for optimal healing, and the back-to-school period offers a window of opportunity to focus solely on your well-being.

The upside of having more than one procedure done at a time is that you’ll reap the benefits of several transformations with just one healing phase. The downside is that undergoing multiple procedures typically requires a slightly longer recovery.

It’s crucial to follow all post-op instructions during this time, which will involve limited lifting, physical activity, and lots of rest. With your kids in school for most of the day, you’ll have several uninterrupted hours to allow your body to mend itself properly.

Scheduling your mommy makeover during the back-to-school season is smart because you can take advantage of the extended downtime available. This will enable you to prioritize your recovery without the added pressure of managing a hectic summer routine.

2: Your Recovery Will Be More Comfortable

The hot summer months can be uncomfortable, particularly when dealing with post-surgery healing. In most regions, the fall season brings a welcomed change in temperature, providing a more comfortable environment for your recovery journey.

High temperatures and increased humidity can exacerbate swelling and discomfort, making relaxing and focusing on your recovery harder. Additionally, the desire to participate in social events and outdoor activities during the summer may hinder your ability to prioritize rest and self-care.

Additionally, the cooler fall weather lends itself to effortless camouflage of any residual swelling or bruising that may accompany the initial stages of recovery. Cozy sweaters, scarves, and other cold-weather clothing essentials can serve as stylish ways to conceal any temporary visible signs of surgery.

By scheduling your mommy makeover during the back-to-school season and the cooler months of fall, you give yourself the gift of a more comfortable and conducive environment for recovery.

3: Your Friends Have More Flexibility to Lend a Helping Hand

During the back-to-school season, not only are your kids back in the classroom, but your fellow moms’ kids are out of the house too. As their own children head back to school, their schedules may open up, allowing them to provide the support and assistance you may need during your recovery.

Having a strong support system during the initial phase of your recovery is important. Your friends can help with tasks such as picking up the kids from school, running errands, and doing chores around the house. This can alleviate some of the added responsibilities of parenting and allow you to focus on your well-being.

By scheduling your mommy makeover during the back-to-school period, you can take advantage of your friends’ availability and willingness to help. This can not only lighten your load but also strengthen your bond with your friends. Additionally, if your friends are curious about a mommy makeover, you can share your firsthand experience and possibly even return the favor if they decide to have the procedure themselves.

4: You Will Be Healed by the Holidays and Spring Break

It’s important to remember that healing from a mommy makeover takes time. While each person’s recovery timeline may vary, it typically takes several weeks for initial healing and a few months to see the full results of the procedures.

By scheduling your mommy makeover in autumn, you’ll have ample time to recover before the busy holiday season. This way, you can comfortably attend family gatherings or even host your own events without any discomfort.

And let’s not forget spring break. It takes your body about 2-3 months to see full results. By March, your body should be fully healed, leaving you confident and ready to show off your new body and take plenty of family pics– swimsuit and all!

The holidays and spring break offer opportunities to create cherished memories and enjoy quality time with loved ones. By strategically planning your mommy makeover earlier in the fall, you give yourself the gift of being fully healed and ready to embrace these special moments.

Explore Your Mommy Makeover Options in Middle Tennessee

Any time of year is an excellent time to focus on doing what it takes to feel better about yourself, but timing matters when it comes to plastic surgery. If you catch yourself daydreaming about reclaiming your pre-pregnancy glow and feeling even better than before, back to school is the perfect time to book your complimentary consultation for a mommy makeover procedure. 

At The Lett Center, we understand that every mommy makeover is unique. Our board-certified plastic surgeon and experienced staff would love to discuss your mommy makeover options. So, take that leap and contact us today to discover how a mommy makeover can help you achieve the confidence and rejuvenation you deserve.