Vaginal health issues like painful intercourse, vaginal dryness, a low sex drive due to lack of sensation, and urine leaking are often taboo subjects that women shy away from discussing. An even more “hush-hush” topic most women keep to themselves is insecurities about the appearance or tightness of the vagina and surrounding parts.

We understand that these things can feel a bit embarrassing for many women – but it shouldn’t have to be. More and more women in the United States are opening up about these concerns and seeking cosmetic gynecology treatments to combat a wide variety of vaginal and urinary issues most commonly associated with childbirth, menopause, and aging.

The most popular modern vaginal rejuvenation treatment is Votiva, which uses laser energy and radio frequency to tighten the vagina walls. Unlike many invasive cosmetic procedures, Votiva requires no downtime and has no severe side effects. Votiva is fast becoming the most sought-after vaginal rejuvenation treatment on the market. Still, women curious about the treatment have many questions they are too embarrassed to ask.

We get it; talking about giving your vagina a “refresh” isn’t the most comfortable topic. But that is exactly why we wrote this blog. Hopefully, it tells you everything you want to know about this “hush-hush” topic and procedure to determine whether it is right for you.

So, sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the world of vaginas getting a little nip and tuck, or in the case of Votiva, a little painless laser-based energy treatment.

What Is Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation falls under the category of cosmetic gynecology. It is a term used to describe a wide variety of treatments that aim to improve the appearance and functionality of the vagina. These treatments can be surgical and non-surgical procedures.

Surgery for vaginal rejuvenation can include labiaplasty (surgery to reshape the labia), vaginoplasty (surgery to tighten the vagina), and vulvoplasty (surgery to improve the appearance of the vulva). While surgical options for vaginal rejuvenation may be considered by some women, it’s important to understand the potential drawbacks associated with these procedures.

Surgical vaginal rejuvenation typically requires general anesthesia, involves incisions, and carries the risks inherent to any surgical procedure, including bleeding, infection, scarring, and prolonged recovery periods. Additionally, surgical options may involve significant costs, and there is always a degree of uncertainty regarding the final outcome and satisfaction with the results.

In contrast, non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedures can provide many of the same benefits at a fraction of the cost without surgery, incisions, pain, or downtime. Non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatments include laser treatments, energy-based therapies, and other techniques designed to improve the tone and elasticity of the vagina, such as Votiva for feminine rejuvenation, the newest revolutionary technology to help restore feminine health and aesthetics.

Types of Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatments Available

There are a variety of vaginal rejuvenation procedures available to women in the United States today. These treatments include Votiva, laser energy and radiofrequency treatments, collagen injections, and surgery. Each of these treatments has its own benefits and drawbacks.

Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery

Surgery is the most effective at restoring lost function or appearance, but it comes with pain and discomfort and requires the most recovery time. Vaginal rejuvenation surgery can also be expensive and usually not covered by insurance.

There are several types of vaginal rejuvenation surgery. Some women might only need one to address their concerns, while others might need a combination of several techniques.

Here are the common types of vaginal rejuvenation surgeries:

  • Labiaplasty: Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure performed to reshape or reduce the size of the labia minora or labia majora. It can address concerns related to elongated or asymmetrical labia, which may cause discomfort or self-consciousness.
  • Vaginoplasty: Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure that tightens the vaginal canal. It involves the removal of excess vaginal lining and the tightening of the vaginal muscles. Vaginoplasty is typically sought by women who have experienced vaginal laxity due to childbirth or aging.
  • Clitoral Hood Reduction: This procedure aims to reduce the size or alter the appearance of the clitoral hood, the fold of skin covering the clitoris. It is performed to enhance clitoral stimulation and improve sexual satisfaction.
  • Hymenoplasty: Hymenoplasty is a surgical procedure that reconstructs or repairs the hymen, a thin membrane at the opening of the vagina. It is often sought for cultural, religious, or personal reasons.
  • Monsplasty: Monsplasty involves reducing excess tissue in the mons pubis area, the mound of fatty tissue above the pubic bone. This procedure is done to achieve a more contoured and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Collagen Injections

Injectable collagen treatments are a non-surgical option for vaginal rejuvenation that involves injecting collagen into the vaginal tissue. Collagen is a protein that provides structure and elasticity to the skin and other tissues in the body. By replenishing collagen levels in the vaginal area, these treatments aim to tighten and rejuvenate the tissue and muscles.

Collagen injections may have limitations in terms of immediate effectiveness. While they can eventually tighten and rejuvenate the vaginal tissue and muscles, the results may take time to become fully apparent, and multiple treatment sessions may be required to achieve the desired outcome. Additionally, the effects of collagen injections are not permanent. Over time, the body naturally absorbs the injected collagen, and repeat treatments may be necessary to maintain the results.

Laser Energy and Radiofrequency Treatments

Laser energy and radiofrequency treatments are advanced non-surgical options for vaginal rejuvenation that harness the power of targeted heat and stimulation. These innovative treatments have gained significant popularity due to their effectiveness in addressing various concerns related to vaginal health, comfort, and aesthetics.

Laser energy treatments utilize a specialized laser device that emits controlled beams of energy. When applied to the vaginal tissues, the laser energy generates heat, stimulating collagen production and promoting tissue remodeling. This process helps to tighten and rejuvenate the vaginal walls, improving both functional and aesthetic aspects.

Similarly, radiofrequency treatments, known as radiofrequency ablation, utilize a radiofrequency energy source to deliver controlled thermal energy to the vaginal tissues. The radiofrequency waves gently heat the tissues, stimulating collagen synthesis and tissue regeneration. This leads to increased tightness, improved elasticity, and enhanced overall vaginal health.

What sets laser energy and radiofrequency treatments apart is their ability to provide remarkable results without the need for surgery. Women can typically undergo these treatments during a quick office visit and resume their daily activities immediately afterward.

Votiva, which we will discuss in depth in this blog, is a prime example of a vaginal rejuvenation treatment falling under the category of laser energy and radiofrequency treatments. It combines the benefits of both laser energy and radiofrequency technology to deliver optimal results.

Which Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment Is Right For You?

Determining the most suitable vaginal rejuvenation treatment depends on your individual needs and goals. With several options available, it is essential to consult with a doctor specializing in vaginal rejuvenation to receive personalized recommendations based on your unique circumstances.

During your consultation, the doctor will thoroughly evaluate your concerns, medical history, and desired outcomes. They will discuss the available treatment options and guide you toward the most appropriate choice.

Because it is the latest non-surgical solution for vaginal rejuvenation and a very popular treatment most women are candidates to receive, for the remainder of this blog, we will tell you everything you need to know about Votiva.

Votiva is better than kegel exercises for vaginal rejuvenation

What Is Votiva Vaginal Rejuvenation?

We understand that the thought of any procedure can be intimidating, especially surgery on your “lady parts,” – but vaginal rejuvenation doesn’t have to involve going under the knife. Votiva can offer many of the same benefits as surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedures without requiring a lengthy recovery period or the risks associated with surgery.

Votiva is a non-invasive treatment that uses laser energy and radio frequency to remodel the tissues of the vagina and labia, tightening the vagina walls. The short procedure is performed using two gentle handheld radiofrequency wave devices, the Forma V and Morpheus 8.

Votiva is safe and approved by the FDA, with numerous clinical studies vouching for its safety and effectiveness in improving feminine health struggles  like:

  • Vaginal laxity, dryness, irritation, and pain
  • Sexual function
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Urogenital distress

Votiva is an excellent non-surgical solution for any woman that wants to tighten the vaginal canal and labia, improve vaginal tone, strength and control, improve vaginal lubrication for pain-free intercourse, enhance blood flow below the belt for increased sensation, and even help resolve urinary leakage.

 Why Do Women Seek Out Votiva?

Many women experience concerns and insecurities regarding the aesthetics, tone, and overall well-being of their vagina, particularly after childbirth. However, Votiva offers a comprehensive range of benefits that go beyond addressing these common issues.

Regardless of age or life stage, women turn to Votiva to reclaim their confidence, enhance sexual satisfaction, and improve urinary health. Here are a few examples of the types of women who seek Votiva and how this innovative treatment can address their concerns.

Women Who Have Had Children

After giving birth, many women want to get their pre-pregnancy body back. This includes changes that occur in the vaginal area, including decreased tone and weakened pelvic floor muscles. These changes can lead to concerns such as vaginal laxity, decreased sexual satisfaction, and even urinary incontinence. Votiva offers a solution by utilizing advanced radiofrequency technology to stimulate collagen production and tighten the vaginal tissues. By restoring tone and strength to the vaginal walls, Votiva can help women regain confidence, improve sexual pleasure, and reduce urinary leakage.

Women Experiencing Painful Intercourse

Pain during intercourse can be a distressing and inhibiting experience for women. Whether it’s due to vaginal dryness, hormonal imbalances, or changes in tissue elasticity, Votiva can provide relief. The treatment stimulates blood flow and promotes increased lubrication, effectively addressing vaginal dryness and reducing discomfort during intercourse. By restoring moisture and improving tissue elasticity, Votiva allows women to enjoy pain-free and pleasurable intimate moments.

Women Dealing with Urinary Leakage

Urinary incontinence is a common concern for many women, particularly after childbirth or during the aging process. Votiva’s radiofrequency technology can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which are crucial in bladder control. By targeting the underlying causes of urinary leakage, Votiva helps women regain control and confidence in their daily lives. Whether it’s stress incontinence (leakage during physical activity) or urge incontinence (sudden and intense urges to urinate), Votiva can significantly improve urinary health.

Revive Feminine Confidence

Beyond functional concerns, some women simply desire vaginal rejuvenation for aesthetic reasons. Votiva can address these needs by improving the overall appearance of the vagina. The treatment helps restore the natural contour and tightness of the vaginal canal, resulting in a more youthful and toned appearance. By enhancing self-image and confidence, Votiva empowers women to feel more comfortable and satisfied with their bodies.

What Can Votiva Treat?

Vaginal rejuvenation procedures are often marketed as a way to tighten things up after childbirth and improve self-esteem. These are both viable reasons to choose Votiva, but Votiva can help treat both internal and external tissues in and around the vagina, making it an excellent option for pretty much any feminine health and aesthetic concern you can think of.

Aside from appearance and weak muscles, here are a few of the most common reasons women undergo Votiva rejuvenation treatment.


Our body’s collagen production declines as we age, causing skin everywhere (yes, down there, too) to sag. If you’ve given birth, this natural laxity can be exacerbated even more due to the stretching from childbirth.

We have Botox and fillers to help correct sagging skin on the face, but those injectables can’t be used “below the belt.” If you are looking for “the fountain of youth between your legs,” – Votiva is what you will want to consider. It can reverse laxity by stimulating collagen production and tightening tissues in the vaginal area.

Sexual Satisfaction Blood Flow

One reason we find our pleasure and sensitivity declining as we grow older is that blood flow to the vaginal region decreases. A simple way to enhance circulation below the belt is by stimulating the body to regenerate blood vessels in the vaginal area. Votiva can do just that.

Vaginal Pain

One common reason women have vaginal pain is an enlarged labia. A large labia may make certain sexual positions uncomfortable or rub against clothing or other surfaces, causing irritation, discomfort, and even infections. Votiva vaginal rejuvenation can be the answer to relieving this pain.

Urinary Incontinence

There are several reasons why a woman may experience urinary incontinence (the inability to control the flow of urine) – pregnancy and childbirth, menopause, obesity, aging, and certain neurological conditions are a few. There is also stress urinary incontinence, which happens when you can typically control your bladder but leak when you sneeze, cough, or laugh. Votiva can help improve muscle tone in the area and help with this too.

Vaginal Dryness

Many women notice lubrication issues as they age. When your vagina is too dry, sex becomes less pleasurable and even painful. Votiva can improve lubrication by refreshing tissues in the area.

Is Votiva Safe?

Votiva can help women improve their quality of life by offering a safe and effective non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation with an improbable chance of having any adverse effects. Not only is Votiva considered safe, but it is also FDA-approved. In fact, Votiva by InMode is one of the very few vaginal rejuvenation treatments that are FDA approved.

There are no known side effects of Votiva treatments, and as long as your doctor is board-certified, trained to use the Votiva treatment, and uses high-quality tools, you don’t need to worry about any risks you may have heard of, such as vaginal burns and skin scarring, painful sex, and ongoing pain.

Does Votiva Have Any Risks?

Before undergoing any type of vaginal rejuvenation treatment, it’s important to be aware of the risks involved. Laser therapy, radiofrequency energy, and surgery each have their own set of potential risks. That said, Votiva is considered safe and carries far fewer risks than surgery.

In fact, there are very few known risks associated with Votiva as long as you use an experienced doctor. Always research the doctor performing Votiva. The doctor that performs Votiva must be highly trained and use quality radiofrequency tools to avoid potential risks such as vaginal burns, skin scarring, painful sex, and ongoing pain.

If you choose to have Votiva performed at The Lett Center in Tennessee, you can rest assured you are in good hands. Votiva is from the inMode brand of aesthetic lasers and radiofrequency tools and is what our experienced board-certified surgeons use at The Lett Center.

Even if your doctor performs the procedure flawlessly, it is possible to experience decreased sensation, but this most often happens when a patient hasn’t waited long enough after a treatment to have intercourse. Make sure that you follow all post-treatment instructions carefully. You should also avoid sexual activity until the area has healed completely.

Again, Votiva is considered a safe, FDA-approved treatment with few risks as long as you choose a board-certified doctor who knows what they are doing, does so in a state-of-the-art facility, and performs the procedure regularly.

How Does Votiva Vaginal Rejuvenation Work?

Votiva utilizes a combination of laser and radiofrequency (RF) energy to target both the internal and external vaginal tissues and structures. The controlled heating generated by this technology stimulates collagen production and triggers tissue remodeling.

As a result, the vaginal walls and labia regain their tone, elasticity, and tightness. The tissue remodeling and rejuvenating effects of Votiva not only enhance sexual satisfaction but also promote better urinary control and overall well-being, significantly improving a woman’s quality of life.

By restoring the vaginal tissues’ integrity, Votiva effectively addresses a range of concerns related to sexual and urinary health. Votiva can help alleviate symptoms of vaginal laxity, such as decreased sensation and discomfort during intercourse. Additionally, Votiva’s tissue remodeling effects can help improve symptoms of urinary incontinence, such as leakage and the sudden urge to urinate.

This treatment is fast becoming the most popular choice for vaginal rejuvenation, as it is quick, easy, and has no serious side effects.

What To Expect During The Votiva Treatment Process

Votiva is a quick and painless procedure done in-office and without anesthesia or sedation. The treatment takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the specific areas being treated and the extent of the concerns, and there is no downtime. You will be able to resume regular daily activities immediately afterward.

On the day of the procedure, you will change into a gown and assume a comfortable position on an examination table. Depending on your preference and the recommendation of your Votiva provider, a topical anesthetic may be applied to the treatment area to ensure your comfort during the procedure. That said, most women find the treatment painless, only feeling a slight sensation of pressure and heat.

The Votiva procedure involves using a handheld wand specifically designed for Votiva that employs laser and radiofrequency (RF) energy to target the vaginal tissues. These devices, namely the Forma V and Morpheus 8, can be applied externally to the outer labia or vulva or inserted into the vaginal canal to target internal tissues.

Your doctor will insert the handheld wand into your vagina. Once the device is positioned, it is activated to deliver a precise combination of laser and radiofrequency energy to the targeted area. Energy pulses will uniformly heat the skin in the area. This energy penetrates the tissues, stimulating collagen production and promoting skin tightening.

Once the procedure is over, you will get dressed and should be able to go about your day as usual. Your doctor will provide simple post-treatment instructions that might include avoiding sexual intercourse or using tampons for a specified period and other recommended aftercare practices to promote healing and optimal results.

How Many Votiva Treatments Are Needed?

The number of sessions depends on your concerns and your personal goals. You can expect significant vaginal tightening and external tissue restoration in as little as two weeks after the first treatment. However, a series of 3 treatments are typically recommended for optimal results. These treatments are typically spread out over a few months.

Additionally, a yearly maintenance treatment is recommended. Women often choose to come back to the clinic annually for maintenance treatments before results dissipate, which is typically around 18 months.

Does Votiva Hurt?

This might surprise you, but Votiva sounds much more painful than it is. In fact, our patients say that Votiva doesn’t hurt at all. Many compare it to a pap smear, saying they only feel slight pressure with a heat sensation. The only other complaint we occasionally hear is that some patients report minor discomfort when the wand is inserted due to vaginal dryness.

What Is Recovery Like For Votiva Treatment?

There is no involved recovery process following a Votiva treatment. You will be able to resume your regular daily activities as soon as the procedure is complete. That said, there are a few things you will need to avoid for a few days after treatment.

Guidelines to follow to ensure your Votiva treatment recovery is comfortable typically include:

  • No intercourse for 3-7 days after your treatment
  • Do not put hot water directly on the treatment area
  • Drink a lot of water; this is great for the rest of your skin as well
  • Wear cotton underwear and avoid tight-fitting bottoms while it heals
  • Clean as instructed by your doctor
  • A topic cream may be prescribed, or use coconut oil in the treated area

How Long Does Votiva Last?

Votiva is not permanent, but treatments last quite a while. On average, you can expect your vaginal rejuvenation to last up to 18 months.

Results can last longer if you perform pelvic floor exercises, which target the muscles in the area and help improve muscle tone and strength. This can help support the Votiva treatment and extend its benefits over a longer period.

Most women come back for a second treatment within two years. It is recommended to see your doctor once a year to determine if it is time for another treatment.

Is Votiva The Right Choice For Me?

This innovative treatment has gained popularity due to its efficacy, convenience, and minimal side effects. Votiva provides many benefits for women who undergo the treatment. These benefits include improved sexual function, increased vaginal lubrication, reduced urinary incontinence, and tighter vaginal walls. In addition, many women report feeling more youthful and confident after undergoing Votiva treatment.

Vaginal rejuvenation is more costly than other aesthetic treatments, but it’s well worth the money for women who want to improve their sex lives and sexual health and feel more confident.

Generally, Votiva is an excellent option for any woman experiencing:

  • Skin laxity inside the vagina or on the external skin
  • Urinary incontinence issues
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Tightness and tone issues
  • Decreased sexual sensation
  • Low self-esteem due to problems in this area

Some women aren’t a candidate for laser energy and radiofrequency treatments. Votiva cannot be performed if you are pregnant, have a history of cancer in this area, or have allergies to metal. If you’re interested in vaginal rejuvenation or incontinence treatment, the best thing to do is consult with a physician who can help you make the right decision for your individual situation.

How Much Does Votiva Cost?

Vaginal rejuvenation might seem like a luxury, but thanks to Votiva, there is a practical solution for women who want to feel their best and boost their self-esteem. If you’re tired of feeling self-conscious or just want to take your intimate life to the next level, Votiva vaginal rejuvenation is a cost-effective solution worth considering.

Typically, the cost of one Votiva treatment ranges from $1,000 to $3,000. For mild laxity, you may only need 1 session. If you are experiencing more advanced feminine health concerns, 3-5 treatments will help most patients achieve their desired results.

Several payment plans are available to make vaginal rejuvenation treatments like Votiva more affordable. The Lett Center accepts financing through CareCredit, PatientFi, and Prosper Loans. This makes it easy for women to get the treatment they need without breaking the bank. Click here to take a look at all the financing options at The Lett Center.

Schedule a Votiva Consultation in Mt. Juliet and Lebanon, Tennessee

Whether you want to correct a medical concern like urinary incontinence, improve tightness after childbirth, or just improve your sex life and feel more confident, vaginal rejuvenation is here to save the day (or at least your lady parts).

Votiva’s transformative benefits extend beyond addressing specific pain points. By offering vaginal rejuvenation, improved sexual health, and urinary well-being, Votiva provides women with a holistic solution that enhances their overall quality of life.

If you’re interested in vaginal rejuvenation, the best thing to do is consult with a physician at The Lett Center, who can help you make the right decision for your individual situation. Again, we know it’s an embarrassing topic, but we’ve performed this treatment a lot and promise to make the conversation as comfortable as possible, so don’t forget to bring your sense of humor – laughter is the best medicine, after all!

For more information about Votiva or any of our other cosmetic treatments, please contact us today! We’d love to help you feel more comfortable in your own body. Our team is committed to helping women look and feel their most youthful at every age.