Recent data published in the latest issue of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report reveals that 19 women who traveled to the Dominican Republic for plastic surgery over the past year developed a serious infection known as Mycobacterium (RG-NTM). According to Medscape, the symptoms for RG-NTM include surgical wound abscesses, clear fluid drainage, pain and fever.

While more than 50 percent of the women underwent cosmetic procedures at the same facility, NBC News reports that officials traced the cases to seven separate clinics in the Caribbean nation. Fortunately, none of the women died, but 74 percent of them required extensive treatment once they returned to the United States.

“This and other outbreaks underscore the risk for infection, including RG-NTM infection, resulting from medical tourism,” states the article featured in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, as noted by Medscape. “[The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] advises all persons planning to receive surgical care outside the United States to verify that the health-care provider and facility they are considering using are licensed and accredited by an internationally recognized accreditation organization before proceeding.”

People often go outside the United States for plastic surgery so that they can save money, but in many cases this results in dangerous infections and other serious health issues. This is why if you’re considering a cosmetic procedure, it’s in your best interest to find board certified plastic surgeons in the United States who have plenty of experience with the type of plastic surgery you wish to get.

Contact The Lett Center today to learn more about the services we offer.