As we’ve discussed before on this blog, though plastic surgery is becoming more mainstream by the day, it is still a rare treat when public figures talk candidly about the nips and tucks they’ve had done to enhance their looks over the years. This week, two famous comedians who have always been refreshingly open about their procedures shared a photo-op at the Friars Club Roast of Don Rickles in Manhattan.

“They’re both funny, fabulous, and big fans of plastic surgery,” the Daily Mail, a British news outlet, reported of Joan Rivers and Kathy Griffin, both of whom have undergone multiple cosmetic procedures.

Iconic comedian Joan Rivers, now 80 years old, has publicly confessed her love of Botox treatments, and has also received liposuction, facelifts and eyelid surgery over the course of her decades-long career. The 52-year-old Griffin has also transformed in front of the public eye thanks to procedures that include a nose job, breast augmentation and a brow lift, the media outlet stated.

From subtle, non-invasive procedures like Botox to dramatic Mommy Makeovers, the possibilities provided by a board-certified plastic surgeon are truly endless. If you live in Tennessee and have long been insecure about a certain physical attribute – or simply want to keep frown lines and crow’s feet wrinkles at bay – the knowledgeable attentive staff at the Lett Center can help. Contact Dr. Lett today to learn more about the treatment options available to you, and how you can benefit from these procedures.