Hair removal: it seems like everyone is doing it. With bare legged shaving advertisements covering city buses, bikini line adverts splayed across television screens and shapely eyebrows seemingly adorning the face of every women, everywhere, hair removal could be considered the woman’s realm.
But not for long.
More men are seeking out laser hair reduction and laser hair removal as well. Manscaping is the latest trend to hit men, as cultural norms and some trends become more apparent. Long gone are the days of full-on mustaches, super hairy legs and chest-like forests.
This hair removal though is completely relative, a personal choice that should be taken seriously, as many opt for permanent removal that cannot be reversed. The amount of hair a woman or man decides to keep is completely up to him or her, but The Lett Center can help achieve whatever that desire may be.
Their are two types of hair removal available at The Lett Center:
- Candela GentleYAG: A hair removal laser that deeply targets the hair follicle in the dermis of the skin, Candela creates a significant reduction in the amount of hair someone has. In addition, its cooling of the skin protects the upper layers from unwanted side effects such as redness or slight stinging. The YAG laser has infrared capabilities that deliver invisible energy heat into the skin, slowly, to maintain a safe, effective outcome. This form of treatment is perfect for those with darker skin, as it has been known to work better than other kinds.
- GentleLASE: This type of treatment can be used to treat unwanted hair, as well as pigmented lesions, vascular lesions and skin rejuvenating abilities.
To learn more about either of these procedures, schedule a consultation with Dr. Lett of The Lett Center, or visit our website.