Facelifts may provide good results, but they can sound scary and invasive to many people. FaceTite, an innovative contouring solution, provides a great option that seems less intimidating. Unfortunately, not everybody knows about the procedure.

FaceTite is a wonderful option for many people looking to change the way they look. This guide will help you determine the best way to move forward with your plastic surgery goals.

Understand What FaceTite Is

FaceTite is a contouring procedure that targets the face, neck, and other small portions of the body that might sag or loosen with time. You might consider FaceTite if you are concerned about sagging skin on the neck, a hanging jawline, or fat developing in the cheeks.

At the beginning of the procedure, the doctor will administer local anesthesia before making a very small incision. When the doctor performs FaceTite, he or she will use radio-frequency assisted lipolysis, or RFAL, to tighten the skin. This allows fat underneath the skin to melt. The device then sucks up excess fat.

FaceTite is also said to stimulate the growth of collagen and prevent signs of aging. The best candidates for the procedure will have the initial signs of aging, meaning they will have some wrinkles and fine lines they want to address. Whatever the condition of your skin, remember to have realistic expectations for what signs of aging Facetite can address.

Consider the Benefits of FaceTite

FaceTite is a great option because it is non-surgical and non-invasive. This means patients do not experience scars that may come with a facelift. The procedure also leaves you with youthful skin that contours in the days, weeks, and months after you come in for the procedure. You will see the skin tighten and firm over time.

FaceTite is considered a relatively safe procedure as well. The use of RFAL means you do not have to worry about your skin burning during or after the procedure.

Recover From FaceTite

FaceTite may require just a few days of downtime, but most people return to work and other daily activities the next day. In some cases, a doctor does recommend that a patient wear a compression garment, known as a face or neck girdle, for the best results. Some doctors may recommend that you wear it only to bed, allowing you to live normally otherwise.

Additionally, some people exhibit swelling in the days following FaceTite. This swelling can lead to some pain and discomfort. If the pain becomes too much to handle, speak with your doctor about options to relieve pain.

Local anesthesia for a FaceTite procedure means you are somewhat safer than if you were undergoing a procedure that involves general anesthesia or sedation. This helps eliminate some of the risks associated with a cosmetic procedure.

While some of the results are immediate, you may not see the full effects of FaceTite for months following the procedure. Typically, patients see most of the improvement after six months, but you may continue to notice subtle improvements for up to one year. You must remain patient to see exactly what FaceTite can do for you, but the results can last for several years in many cases.

Learn More About FaceTite

Do you think you might be a good candidate for FaceTite? It’s time to talk to a doctor about the signs of aging you experience and what you would like to see come from the procedure.
The Lett Center provides FaceTite and other procedures that leave you looking and feeling your best. Call us today to set up a consultation with our doctors to see what FaceTite can do for you.