If you are tired of shaving, schedule a laser hair removal appointment today!

As springtime unfolds, people across the country are already planning their summer vacations. While trading in heavy sweaters for shorts and T-shirts may sound ideal after a long, cold winter, those with unwanted hair may be more hesitant. Shaving and waxing are not only tedious but are also expensive over time – which makes it harder than ever to get ready for summer.

Laser hair removal is an excellent procedure for those with thick or unsightly body hair who are tired of traditional hair removal methods. During a single procedure, the laser significantly reduces the amount of hair with little discomfort. Patients are encouraged to schedule multiple procedures to achieve the best, long-lasting results.

“Patients are encouraged to schedule multiple procedures.”

Laser hair removal isn’t just for women either. Surveys and experts reveal that more men are turning to hair removal treatments to rid themselves of unwanted body hair. As laser hair removal permanently reduces hair growth, many men seek out this procedure to thin out thick chest or back hair instead of removing hair completely.

“Men are oftentimes seeking lunchtime treatments that are now possible with more efficient laser hair reduction that is fast and painless, without the extra time previously required for numbing creams,” Tina West of the West Institute explained to Men’s Fitness magazine. “The big advantage of laser hair reduction compared to other methods of hair removal is that the laser is the only technology that changes the way the hair grows back, causing it to grow back finer and more slowly.”

Start getting summer-ready and contact a certified plastic surgeon today to learn more about the laser hair removal process and if it is right for you!