Previously on this blog, we’ve talked extensively about the role of social media as a motivator for facial plastic surgery. Most recently, we covered a burgeoning trend in India known as “the Facebook Facelift,” which encompasses treatments ranging from chin implants to chemical peels that are all performed in a bid to look better on the Internet. And, according to the online news outlet Digital Trends, the relationship between cosmetic enhancements and online presence is poised to become stronger as the years go on.
Just a look at some of the hottest apps of the moment – Instagram, FaceTime, and Snapchat – makes it abundantly clear that visual documentation is in, so men and women in Tennessee have to brace themselves for an even greater influx of images that can reveal less than flattering attributes.
“People are starting to visit plastic surgeons with complaints of how they look in photos that their friends tag, wanting a smoother chin-line or higher cheekbones so that the onslaught of random and tagged Facebook and Instagram photos won’t betray them,” Digital Trends states. “This kind of thinking is producing demand for cosmetic procedures that make sure you look good in the digital world.”