As a man, you want to feel confident in your appearance and make the best impression. Plastic surgery can help with this by improving your physical features and giving you a more youthful look. There are five different popular types of plastic surgeries that men typically undergo: liposuction, male breast reduction, eyelid surgery, nose surgery, and ear surgery. Learn more about the benefits of each of these procedures and what options are available that would fit your needs.

Why Would a Man Choose Plastic Surgery?

Many men feel self-conscious about their appearance and may be unhappy with how they appear in the mirror. Plastic surgery is a great way to improve the physical features that you want to change or enhance. Many of the procedures are designed to tighten skin, remove excess fat, and reduce wrinkles. This can help give you a more youthful look, which can be beneficial for your career and dating life. Small changes such as these will improve your self-confidence, as well.

Liposuction for Men

This is one of the most commonly performed plastic surgery procedures men choose. It focuses on removing fat from specific areas in order to improve your appearance and reduce weight. Typically, liposuction will require incisions to be made in the area you want most affected by the procedure. This can include areas around the waist, neck, arms, abdomen, hips, or chest.
Most men will choose liposuction treatment in these areas:

  • Love handles
  • Lower abdomen
  • Upper Arms
  • Chest
  • Chin

Liposuction can be a great alternative for male breast reduction if only a small revision is needed. During liposuction, fat cells are removed permanently. With weight fluctuation, fat cells in other areas of your body may expand but your chest area will be free of many of the fat cells previously causing issues. This means, that in the event of future minor weight gain, the breast area will stay smaller.

If you feel like you’re the only guy in the gym who isn’t ripped, liposuction is a great procedure for you. It can be done alone or combined with other procedures such as a male breast reduction. Liposuction gets rid of excess fat and allows you to sculpt your chest so it looks more masculine and defined.

Male Breast Reduction

Male breast reduction, also known as gynecomastia surgery, is the most effective treatment for enlarged male breasts. This procedure removes extra fat and glandular tissue from the breast area in order to reduce its size. You may choose this procedure to achieve a firmer, more masculine contour of your chest. Some patients also opt to have a small amount of liposuction under the arm to give them an even slimmer profile.

An incision is made around the nipple to remove excess skin, and many choose to reduce the size of their nipple, as well.

This is a great procedure if you have lost weight but still have the appearance of male breasts. Due to genetics, some men just have extra glandular tissue causing enlarged breasts even if they are lean. Gynecomastia is permanent and is an effective way to improve your self-confidence and to help you feel less self-conscious about your chest.

Male Eyelid Surgery

The male eyelids tend to be less full than in women. Men who have excess skin on the upper lids and bags below their eyes may choose a surgical solution to improve their appearance. Eyelid surgery can rejuvenate tired-looking eyes and give a better definition to the face. You may choose a blepharoplasty tailored for men to improve the look of your eyes while still maintaining masculine features.

Signs you may need eyelid surgery as a man:

  • Droopy upper eyelids
  • Puffy lower eyelids
  • You look tired even when rested
  • Your eyes are aging you
  • Wrinkles around the eyes

Deep eye bags

A male eyelid surgery procedure will focus on improving your appearance with small changes that create a natural result. The goal is to change the position of your eyelids for a more youthful masculine look, not drastically modify your appearance.

Men can fix deep eye bags with cosmetic surgery in Tennessee

Male Nose Job

A male nose job is a cosmetic procedure that can change the size, shape and angle of the nasal bones and cartilage. Many men suffer from big noses as well as other common imperfections such as overcrowding or asymmetry. Male rhinoplasty is a fast way to achieve facial symmetry, minimize imperfections, and correct nasal structure.

By reshaping your nose bone or cartilage, you can enhance your facial aesthetic and increase your confidence. A man’s nose is different than a woman’s. It usually has a greater projection, a higher bridge, and is wider. These details will be taken into account to ensure your features remain masculine.
There are various types of nose jobs for men, depending on their desired outcome and medical history. If you have these cosmetic issues, rhinoplasty might be right for you:

  • Droopy nose
  • Crooked nose
  • Wide or flaring nostrils
  • Upturned nasal tip (this is often feminine)
  • Bulbous nasal tip
  • Dorsal hump
  • Nasal bridge that is too high or too low

Ear Surgery for Men

Ear surgery is also known as ear pinning or otoplasty. Men that have ears that over-protrude from the sides of their heads may consider this plastic surgery option. Many men with this condition are embarrassed by their ears, but there is help.

Ear surgery for men, also known as otoplasty, can reduce the size of overly-protruding ears. It corrects the shape, size, or projection of prominent ears. Your ears may have excess conchal cartilage or incompletely formed antithetical folds.

A prominent ear has an unusual protrusion through the backside of the ear in comparison with its opposite ear. This condition is present at birth but can later become more noticeable due to hereditary factors, weight loss or gain, and aging.

This procedure is most successful when it is performed on children before they hit puberty but adults can still take advantage of ear surgery. There is no age limit to have this surgery, as long as you are in good health.

Call The Lett Center for More Male Plastic Surgery Options

While these are the most common plastic surgery procedures men choose, there are many more options available. Give our board-certified plastic surgeons a call to schedule a consultation. We will talk with you about your concerns and come up with the right cosmetic treatment that makes you feel your best while still maintaining the masculine look you desire. Call us at 615.443.0901 to schedule your male cosmetic procedure. Our offices are located in Mt. Juliet and Lebanon, TN.