Enduring breast cancer is a very devastating experience for many women, but thanks to experienced medical professionals and plastic surgeons, survivors can go on to lead healthy and normal lives. Experts agree that women who are getting a mastectomy or lumpectomy should meet with a plastic surgeon prior to their surgery to weigh their options and determine the best plan for breast reconstruction.
Considerations for Reconstruction Surgery
“What’s done by the oncologic surgeon is going to depend on what the plastic surgeon is going to do,” Dr. Leo Farrell tells Pennsylvania news outlet Cumberlink.com. “So it’s really good to have a discussion with a plastic surgeon about their choices ahead of time. If the patient’s going to consider reconstruction, they should consider the plastic surgeon as part of the team who’s going to be involved from the beginning.”
Most plastic surgeons offer an array of breast reconstruction options that are tailored to each patient’s unique case. For instance, fat grafting and cellular dermal matrix, which is processed by human tissue, are fairly new procedures that allow for better coverage over the breast implant.
What Options Are There for Reconstruction?
While some women opt for immediate reconstruction, others wait until after surgery to determine if they want implants. Although this choice is a personal decision, thanks to new technology and research in the plastic surgery field, more and more women are feeling just as confident as they were prior to breast cancer.
If you’re interested in finding out more about breast implants and body reconstruction, be sure to make an appointment with the Lett Center. Dr. Lett will explain everything you need to know during a personal consultation and can help you make an informed and educated decision.